Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Swingers and Pushers


8/14/24 Maple Leaf Park playground

I had so much fun attempting gestures of volleyball players that the next time I walked around Maple Leaf Park, I took the lower loop through the playground. Kids on swings are especially fun and challenging to sketch, but if I observe a bit, I can break down the motions into three phases that are consistent with all the kids. 

The adults pushing them also have a set of distinct motions, but they vary more than the swingers. Some stand at the side, for example, while others stand behind.

As I made these quick gestures, I thought of other times I have sketched similar scenes at playgrounds. Remembering a particular sketch, I searched my blog to find it – one I made more than 11 years ago when the Maple Leaf playground was brand new. Looking back at it now, I’m kind of impressed – it was pretty good for only my second year of sketching. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve improved in all those years! Back then, though, I wanted every sketch to look “finished,” which certainly hasn’t been the case for a long time. Now I see every sketch as simply a captured moment.


  1. You did a great job on the one of the kids swinging...good poses for each movement!

  2. Love the kids swinging - really good job. I was letting my imagination run a bit wild reading your title though, thinking of things that had nothing to do with your actual subject - lol.


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