Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Seafair Weekend


8/3/24 Art in the Garden at Ballard P-Patch

The best part about attending Art in the Garden was buying a whole peach pie
at the bake sale supporting the P-Patch. Yum!

Seafair weekend (and all the events leading up to it) is probably the biggest summer event in these parts. Hydroplane races on Lake Washington and the annual performance of Blue Angels are the key highlights. Call me a curmudgeon, but fast, noisy boats and even faster, noisier planes are not really my thing. (Well, the Angels are OK, but their noise is deafening.) Even less my thing is fighting all the traffic trying to get to those events.

Much more my speed was attending Art in the Garden, an annual market adjacent to the Ballard P-Patch. Artists and other vendors sell their work, musicians perform on the beer garden stage, and visitors get to stroll around in the community garden, which was filled with colorful blooms last Saturday. It was calm, relaxing and colorful.

8/3/24 Maple Leaf Park

OK, I admit I did walk up to Maple Leaf Park around the time the Blue Angels were scheduled to do their thing. Miles away, their muffled roar wasn’t bad, and if I squinted, I could see the tiny dots fly by. As I have in years past, I sketched the small crowd rather than watch the Angels. I wanted to stay longer, but it was partly sunny and 82 degrees with no shade.


  1. I would be more likely to head to Art in the Garden too. The Blue Angels do an appearance over the beach here, but it gets crazy crowded and it doesn't excite me enough to put up with that. A few years ago they flew high over our development when they took off from the local airport nearby. That was enough for me. I like how you showed the people watching.


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