Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bark & Brew & Drink & Draw


8/11/24 Bark & Brew event at Ravenna Brewery

Friends and I had been planning to get together Sunday evening at University Village’s Mr. West for a sketch-dinner. Then that morning I heard that Dog Gone Seattle, the pet rescue organization that I support with my pet portraits, was having another “Bark & Brew” event the same afternoon at Ravenna Brewery. Within walking distance of U Village, the brewery sounded like an ideal first stop. Ching was game, so we enjoyed brews while sketching adoptable pups. We were even treated to live music by vocalist Eric Long.

8/11/24 Mr. West's at U Village

For Part 2, we walked over to U Village to meet Natalie for dinner and more sketching. No dogs or live music there – just good food (which I forgot to sketch before devouring), good friends and good laughs.


  1. Sunds like a well-balanced day. You always find some pets to sketch. Nice layouts.

    1. I try to go to these events to get some mostly captive models! ;-)


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