Sunday, November 19, 2023



11/16/23 Macrina Bakery, Maple Leaf neighborhood

I worked at the Woodland Park Zoo’s concession stand one summer. Making popcorn, hotdogs and cotton candy all day, my co-workers and I joked about how our job was to “feed the wild animals.” I was 16, and it was my first “real” job – the kind with a paystub that showed how much of my minimum-wage paycheck wasn’t going into my pocket. Medicare? Huh. I’ll have lots of money when I’m 65! Why can’t I have that $0.87 now?

I had a birthday last week, and I’m finally vindicated for my 16-year-old self – and very grateful. After paying for my own health insurance for many years as a freelancer, my first Medicare insurance bill was a pretty darn good birthday present. Thanks, Uncle Sam.

To celebrate, a few friends and I met at Macrina Bakery so that I could eat my birthday cake (actually a chocolate walnut tartlet) with sketching company. Some birthdays are sweeter than others, even at my age.

A sweet celebration.


  1. Ah yes - after traumatic turns at 50 and 60 I never thought I'd be anxious and happy to finally reach 65 so I'd see my insurance costs plummet. How nice to celebrate this birthday with your sketching friends - congrats!

    1. Thank you! I think 50 was the hardest... 65 is a piece of cake. ;-)

    2. Yes, I kept thinking (never saying outloud) the "f" word before muttering 50 - lol

  2. Looks like you're ready to dive into that chocolate tart...yum! Maybe that's the best way to sketch your food. Have other people around who are expecting to sketch too. lol

    1. I can't believe the tart lasted long enough for me to sketch! ;-)


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