Sunday, September 22, 2024

Seward Park Poplars


8/18/24 Seward Park

After an errand nearby last week, I made a quick stop at Seward Park on the south end of Lake Washington. I thought it might be too early for color, and I didn’t see much. I love this stand of poplars, though, on the lakeshore. I remembered well the last time I had sketched them years ago, also in September. It was during Kathleen Moore’s nature drawing class.

Back in 2018, I had taken most of the whole class to draw with leisurely graphite. Last Wednesday I was short on time, so I took only a few minutes, but the rhythm of these trees still makes a naturally pleasing composition.


  1. Lovely, especially with the addition of the guy feeding the birds. Great use of the white.

    1. Thanks! The guy showed up just in time to get into the sketch! :-)

  2. I like the row of trees and the bonus of the birds.

    1. Glad you recognized the birds! They got a little abstract! ;-)


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