Thursday, September 5, 2024

Fond Farewell to Summer


9/1/24 Green Lake

Late on Sunday afternoon, Natalie and I met at Green Lake to sketch under the shade trees near the kids’ wading pool. As often as I sketch at the lake, I rarely hang out at this part of the park, so it felt fresh to me. Mostly sunny and warm, the day brought out lots of families enjoying Labor Day weekend before school begins. (And Monday turned out to be cool and gloomy, so Sunday really felt like the last blast of summer.) The most entertaining conversation I eavesdropped on was a party of young men sharing bachelor’s party stories about the friend whom they had recently married off.

Afterwards, we had dinner and libations at Retreat, which has a nice outdoor seating area with a lake view. Lingering over our sketches and good conversation, we saw the sun dip behind the lake (or actually behind the trees along the lake path). What a lovely, bittersweet farewell to summer!

9/1/24 Retreat


  1. Glad you had some nice weather for Labor Day weekend. It has been a little cooler here lately, so it feels a bit like fall. I'm not ready to let summer go yet...went to the beach today.

    1. We've had temps in the high 80s this week... I guess summer is back on!


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