Monday, September 9, 2024

Early Walkers


9/6/24 Maple Leaf neighborhood

After our cold August, summer was back on last week – temps in the high 80s some days. I got out for my walks early those days, which is my favorite time to walk anyway: All the dogs are out for their walks, and some kids are getting walked to school, too.

I find that if I stay about a half block behind them at their pace, I can sketch them as I walk. If the dogs stop abruptly to accomplish their mission, then I usually abandon the sketch because, um, I might look suspicious if I stopped abruptly, too.

The man with two dogs in the sketch above turned out to be a pro. On my way back home, I saw him again, but this time he had picked up two more dogs along the way. They turned onto a street off my route, but I followed them for a block. Stalker? Heck, no. I’d only look suspicious if I were caught.


  1. During our last heat wave when I'd altered my late afternoon walks to after the sun went down, I went out one night later than usual, after dark around nine I think. I was surprised at how many people in my neighborhood were out walking their dogs so late, many more than I normally run across at any time of day in any weather. Guess we are not early walkers or perhaps these dogs get more than one walk! Cute series of sketches and yes, I can see how some might wonder what you are up to. :-)

    1. In the summer, I also take a short walk in the evening, and I often see the same people walking their dogs both morning and evening. So I think many dogs get walked more than once a day!

  2. Good plan for a way to sketch them. I don't think I could handle 4 dogs. lol

    1. I couldn't either, but this guy was a pro. ;-) And all the dogs seemed to know each other and get along!


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