The first edition of Supracolor Soft? |
More than three years ago, I wrote a post summarizing
everything I knew about the history of Caran d’Ache water-soluble colored pencils (and the Swiss company’s ever-confusing product names),
including variations of Prismalo (I and II), Supracolor (I and II) and a
generic “water-soluble” line. I’ve been updating that post as new information
came to light from readers.
I recently acquired a couple of vintage Supracolor sets that
initially raised new questions. Before I get to those, though, I need to begin
with reader Julia who had contacted me more than a year ago. She had sent me
images of her set of Supracolor Soft, purchased in 1993, that came in a mostly
solid red tin with a large “Artists’ Colours” swash in the center. The pencils
themselves had branding and design similar to my contemporary Supracolors
except that the end caps were white instead of the same color as the barrel.
Fast-forward to a couple of months ago when another reader,
Femma, contacted me initially with dating information about my oldest set of Prismalo. Based on my research and assumptions, I had deduced that my set
could have been from the 1930s. However, Femma showed me images of a tin with a
similar design that was from 1951, leading her to deduce that my set is from
the ‘50s also, and her dating logic makes sense. It also fits with information
I had learned about sculptor Alberto Giacometti’s Prismalo set, which
was seen in his studio anytime after the late 1920s (information and a
delightful image brought to my attention by yet another reader, George). Based
on some preparatory drawings Giacometti had made, he was definitively using
colored pencils in 1952 – likely that set of Prismalo. I’m now convinced that
my oldest set is a couple of decades younger than my earlier deduction.
That was just the beginning of many interesting
e-conversations with Femma, who also collects vintage Caran d’Ache colored
pencils! Eventually we got around to her set of Supracolor Soft. In the images
she sent me, it was clear that the tin matched exactly with the one I had seen
in Julia’s images – mostly red with the “Artists’ Colours” design.
Intriguingly, however, Femma’s tin of 18, purchased used, came filled not with
Supracolors but with nameless Caran d’Ache pencils with three sailboats on the
barrel. These “sailboat” pencils are identical to the ones I have that came in
a different tin (shown in my Cd’A history post and below) – a blue
background with three pencils. In the many examples I’ve seen on eBay, the blue
tin with three pencils contains the “sailboat” pencils. These sets have been
dated by sellers as originating in the early ‘60s.
These "sailboat" pencils came in the blue tin shown above. |
Femma believes that when Caran d’Ache initially launched
Supracolor Soft in 1988, the company wanted to use up their water-soluble
“sailboat” inventory by filling early Supracolor tins with them. At first, this
seemed intriguing, and if it was true, her set was likely quite rare. But the more
I thought about it, the less it made sense. Why would Caran d’Ache release a
brand new product emblazoned with “Artists’ Colours” on the tin but filled with
an older product? I argued that the more likely scenario was that the seller or
previous owner had replaced the Supracolors with the “sailboat” pencils. (Stay
tuned for an upcoming post in which this scenario occurred with a different set
of Caran d’Ache pencils I purchased.)
In any case, Femma surprised me by generously offering to
give me the set, which I happily accepted!
The tin that Femma kindly gave me contained the pencils shown below. |
Curious about her hypothesis, as dubious as it seemed to me,
I started searching eBay specifically for Supracolors in the same tin, which I
had seen only rarely, in case another such existed containing “sailboats.” A
set of 40 in the red tin was for sale on eBay, but it contained actual
Supracolor Soft pencils. As this red tin design and the white-capped pencils
are the first known design for Supracolor II Soft (as opposed to “Supracolor I”
or “Supracolor Fine”), I snapped it up. I have since seen a few more Supracolor
sets on eBay in the same tin design and containing the same Supracolor II Soft
pencils. (Has anyone else who hunts regularly on the secondary market noticed
that the thing you are searching for won’t appear for months and months, and
then suddenly two or three show up in rapid succession? It’s the Universe
rewarding you for your patience.)
Purchased on eBay |
The set I purchased contains Supracolor II Soft pencils that
look identical to the ones in the images Julia had sent me. The barrel design
elements are similar to the contemporary design except the end cap is white
(Prismalos of the same era also have a white end cap).
The set of 40 purchased on eBay |
The top group are from the vintage set of 40; the lower group are my contemporary pencils. |
The vintage pencils have white end caps. |
I made swatches of a few colors that were common or close in
three sets – my contemporary Supracolors, the Supracolors that I bought on eBay,
and the “sailboats” that Femma gave me. The vintage Supracolors are
surprisingly close to my contemporary ones – maybe just slightly drier from age
and with slightly less pigment. The “sailboats” are much harder and have less
pigment – similar to Prismalo. I also made a sketch to see how they feel and perform.
12/19/22 Caran d'Ache "Sailboat" pencils in Stillman & Birn Zeta sketchbook (Earthsworld photo reference) |
If I would learn to use my analog calipers (which are as
close to a slide rule as I have ever come and consequently cause me to break
out in hives), I’d be able to tell you the exact diameter, but I think it’s
clear in the image below that the “sailboat” cores are thinner than the
Supracolor cores. In fact, they look the same thickness as Prismalos.
The "sailboat" cores are thinner than Supracolors. |
In another Caran d’Ache mystery, why did the “sailboat”
pencils exist when they were so close to Prismalo, Cd’A’s flagship at the time?
The redundancy probably explains, however, why the “sailboats” eventually went
out of production. In any case, they bear no resemblance to Supracolor Soft. I
have no reason to believe that Cd’A would have filled Supracolor tins with the
“sailboats,” even to use up inventory. In fact, if that were the case, Cd’A
would have been better off filling Prismalo tins with “sailboats,” since they
are a close match.
Although Julia’s set acquired in 1993 is strong enough dating
evidence for me, determining when the product called Supracolor first appeared
and what it looked like are a bit squishy. We must consider that for some
muddled period, “Supracolor I” and “Supracolor Fine” were names used to
identify what was actually the same product as Prismalo I. Does Caran d’Ache
consider those uses of “Supracolor” to be the product’s birth, even if the
product was different? And for some period, “Prismalo II” was the name used to
identify the product that eventually became Supracolor Soft! (Ouch, my head
According to Atelier Caran d’Ache’s (unfortunately
incomplete) product history, the product called Supracolor Soft was launched in
1988. I’m going to put a stake in the ground and say that the Supracolor Soft
set in the red tin that I acquired on eBay is the first design of that product,
and that’s the product that was officially born in 1988.
From a collecting standpoint, perhaps the most valuable item
in the set I purchased is the brochure that came with it (see below). Along with Supracolor
Soft, the cover shows all of Caran d’Ache’s color products of that time,
including Pablo, Prismalo I, Neocolor I, Neocolor II, Neopastels, watercolors,
gouache, and a lovely mixed-media set in a wooden box. The tin designs shown
offer useful dating information. For example, the Prismalo I tin design with
the Matterhorn and red flowers is the same as the one used for multiple
versions of the product I now think of as Prismalo (the thinner, harder core)
as seen in my history post. I had deduced at the time that my Prismalo
sets were from the ‘90s, but their appearance in this 1988 brochure dates them
as even older.
Edited 1/5/23: Correction: The Atelier Caran d'Ache historical timeline dates Pablo pencils as being introduced in 1990, so the brochure must have been produced since then. So my original dating hypothesis for my Prismalo sets still holds.
A valuable product brochure came with the set of 40. |
Brochure image shows Caran d'Ache's color products of that time (1988). |
I can’t end this post without a heart-felt thank you to my readers,
especially Femma, Julia and George, for their valuable insights, information
and even a very generous gift of pencils! Their feedback and conversations are
what make the “vintage” part of my blog even more fun.
As far as I know, I am missing only one specimen from the
Supracolor Soft line. The set shown below, too overpriced for a used, mixed set
for me to buy, showed up on eBay (images below swiped from that listing; I don't own the set) some months
ago. The distinguishing design element are the three gold stripes near the end
cap, which is white. They were sold in the tin shown, but since this dubious
set includes random other pencils, who knows if they originally came in that
tin. The triple-striped design must have come after the ones shown in this post
and before the current design.
Since readers have been my best source of information, I
will appeal to you now: Does anyone know anything about these triple-striped
Supracolors and when they came out?
Updated 1/30/25: The "triple stripe" grail has landed -- and with a definitive date marker!
This image from an eBay listing shows the triple-striped Supracolor Soft pencil design. (A dubious specimen with random Prang and Crayola pencils thrown in to fill the tin.) |
The tin shown with the pencils. |