Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Precarious Maple Tree

6/3/20 Maple Leaf neighborhood

For months now, a new house has been under construction a few blocks from home. I first sketched the work back in March when it was still just the beginning of a hole in the ground. There’s been some progress since then, but not as much as I would have expected.

Well wishes.
Last week I stopped to sketch the excavator that was conveniently at rest. I’m a bit concerned about the little Japanese maple tree on the left side of the property. I sketched it once last year when I was studying values, so I feel like we’re old friends. It’s growing right on the edge of where all the work is being done.

I think someone might be watching out for it, though. When I looked through the fence, I saw that tags reading things like “happiness” and “joy” had been tied to the tree.

1 comment:

  1. I hope they are careful with the little tree!!! Love the idea of the tags on it. Nice sketch of the progress.


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