Saturday, May 18, 2024

Quantum Installation

5/13 - 14/24 Quantum installation outside and inside our house.

Love the way the orange Uglybook looks against the sky!
Unhappy with Comcast/Xfinity for a long time, I was thrilled to pieces to hear that fiber optics was finally available in my zip code. Even if the installation went well, my fear was that I’d be fussing for hours to get all my devices on board with the new modem. Much to my relief, both the installation and transition to all my devices were amazingly seamless. As for speed – no more buffering when streaming movies, which was a very annoying problem with Xfinity.

The real test, of course, will be the first time I have a problem: How well and quickly will customer service take care of it? But for now, I’m happy – especially with the wider wi-fi reach, which means I can now use my devices out on our back deck! Next time I have to be in a Zoom meeting on a gorgeous day, I won’t be quite as cranky.

(I couldnt get the two-part scanned image to be the same size here, so Im showing a photo of the full page spread at right.)


  1. I'm glad things worked out well with the installation! And you had the bonus of your own models for sketches!!

  2. Yeah! Nothing more irritating than internet connections that aren't sufficient and spending too much time synching everything to a new one. Hopefully you won't have any need to find out how good or bad customer service is. :-) What a great subject for your story telling sketching.

    1. Thanks! So far so good, and keeping my fingers crossed for the future!


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