Thursday, March 20, 2025

Walking Stories


2/19/25 Green Lake neighborhood

A few very short stories from my daily walks:

Opportunistic sketching on a very blustery day: I told myself that if the gusts stopped for a moment, I would sketch whatever I saw right there. This was it (above). 


3/13/25 Green Lake neighborhood
Supposedly our city council outlawed leaf blowers a few years back, a move that most citizens applauded exuberantly. But it turned out that they were only talking about city contractors. Anyone else can still go on blowing, which I detest. The noise, the dust, the total ineffectualness – it all annoys me greatly. While I was sketching, two leaf blowers started working on the same sidewalk, blowing against each other! You can imagine how quickly I finished my sketch (at left).


I don’t necessarily sketch this cherry tree every year (below), but since it’s on one of my regular walking routes, I always start checking its buds around now. They were still as tight as fists on this breezy day. But the calendar says today is the vernal equinox, so that’s got to mean something to the trees, right?

3/16/25 Maple Leaf neighborhood


  1. Nice to see what you find on your walks! I'm not seeing much in bloom yet. I hit the local arboretum but only found some crocuses coming up and a few trees with tiny buds.

    1. Temps are supposed to get into the 60s next week, so that would help the blossoms along! We'll see!

  2. I could never understand the logic of leaf blowers and have never liked them either. And as I read your post, the grounds crew for my neighborhood are out in force for their initial preparation of the year. I took a look outside to check and have never seen so many working at once - several leaf blowers and multiple rakers working a small area. I can't imagine what they could be blowing away but they've been at it for hours and I'm getting pretty tired of the noise. Nice sketches to sooth me though.

    1. Auughhh, the noise pollution!! I always walk by with my hands over my ears!

    2. Lord, they were back this morning, working on my side of the street and behind my place, so I got a good look at what they were doing. Three guys with leaf blowers moving between decks very slowly and the greenbelt blowing stray leaves and dead grass ahead of them which took forever and very loud, drowning out the tv. This was followed by passes of the big riding mower, also very loud. Too much!


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