Sunday, March 2, 2025

Three Lamps


2/24/25 Our three portable lamps. The floor lamp has moved to a different corner of the livingroom, the other antique has moved to my studio, and the contemporary one is now my bedside lamp.

To accommodate furniture changes from my move downstairs, I rearranged the three portable lamps in our home. Doing so made me realize that all three were selected and purchased by Greg, two before I even met him. Although we both love them, we hardly used them when he lived here because they weren’t on switches. The two antiques have cumbersome pull chains or a hard-to-reach knob under the shade to operate.

All that changed when I discovered smart plugs. In the dead of winter when I want as much light as I can get, the lamps are on timers, and I can easily enjoy their soft, warm illumination.

The spouse guy recently spent a few days in the hospital recovering from an infection (he’s fine now and back “home” at Aegis). Feeling sad and anxious, I reached for my usual remedy: my sketchbook. Drawing the lamps calmed me and reminded me that the lamps he bought still bring me comfort every day.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure having possessions that you shared together are important and these lamps sound like they have special meaning to you. I looked back at your post about the smart plugs. What a great idea! I haven't really noticed them before and don't have anything on my phone that handles such things. I'm a bit in the dark ages. lol


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