Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Taking it in Stride

2/22/25 Residents watch a program about building construction innnovations.

As I’ve gotten to know Greg’s fellow residents at Aegis, I’ve often wondered what they used to be like when they were younger and healthier. As we were all chatting together one day, I learned from one of the caregivers that Jamie had been a principal at a prominent local architectural firm. She pulled out her phone and showed me images of a couple of familiar downtown skyscrapers that he and his firm had designed. Seeing him now, barely functioning with severe dementia, it’s hard to imagine, but I appreciate knowing something about who he used to be.

Sandy was a painter, and it’s clear that she still has artistic skills and interests. During the “coloring socials” when residents are offered coloring pages and art supplies to use, Sandy will occupy herself for long periods carefully and mindfully coloring beautiful pages.

I have come to learn who to avoid sitting near during snack time if I don’t want to risk having food thrown at me. I keep my belongings on me while I visit (otherwise, things have a way of walking off).

Val, a very thin, frail-looking woman, has a mean right hook that has caused injury to some caregivers. The same strong overhand that can lob a balloon across the room during balloon volleyball can do the same with a juice cup (sometimes still containing juice).

The caregivers all take it in stride, as I have learned to. Greg has, too. He often finds humor in his fellow residents behavior, which makes me laugh, too. Just another day at Aegis. 


1 comment:

  1. I see you get to experience a bit of everything there. It is nice that you are learning a bit about the other residents.


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