Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Two More Bookcases Filled


The second bookcase in my studio is the main storage area for art supplies. I tried to place as many things as possible vertically so that they could be pulled out without unstacking. Everything is at least visible, if not accessible without moving a few things.

My unpacking and organizing continue apace (a slower pace than I’d like, but at least it’s apace), and I’ve filled two more bookcases. The one in my studio (above) is all art supplies. It’s crammed more tightly than I wanted, and I still have to move things to get at others under them, but at least I can see everything without pulling things out – a huge improvement over my old studio!

Here's a closeup of the bookcase top: Some "decorative" colored pencils (and Bics!) and a few favorite mementoes.

The bad news: I still have a few bins of supplies that didn’t fit here. They were borderline during my downsizing process, so it probably means they’ve crossed over to the “give away” side. A little more hemming and hawing needed, and then out they go.

The last bookcase is in my bedroom (below). Ideally, it belongs in my studio too, but it won’t fit, and my bedroom had just enough space for it. This one stores all my filled and unfilled Field Notes and unfilled sketchbooks. On the right side of the second shelf are sketchbooks in progress and a couple of grab-and-go kits of certain supplies I use only when I know I’ll have the use of a table. Although the bookcase is well organized, it looks messy, so it’s just as well tucked away in the bedroom. The added bonus is that it’s super handy having quick access to those on-location items right next to where I’m putting on my shoes and grabbing my bag.

The bedroom bookcase holds mostly unfilled sketchbooks and Field Notes. On top are the survivors of my previously massive collection of childhood stuffed animals (most got downsized years ago from my parents' house).

What’s left? Organizing and displaying my vintage pencil collection! Savoring the experience, I’ve been working on that part a little at a time. It’s really the ultimate reward for my nine months of downsizing – making space for the things that bring me joy – so I’ve saved it for last. Sadly, I can see already that I won’t have room for it all, so I’ll have to do some downsizing of my collection, too. I already knew that, but I had procrastinated by moving it all downstairs anyway. I’m determined, though, not to simply stack boxes on the floor or jam stuff into nooks and crannies as I had done before. That method of “collecting” brings no joy. If I don’t have an appropriate space to store or display it, out it goes (I said it out loud here; please hold me to it!).


  1. Comforting to see your display of stuffed animals. Here I am in my seventies and I still have a few I can't part with, even though they aren't from my childhood but hold dear memories of gifts from adults to an adult me. Yeah, some love stories there. :-)


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