Friday, February 7, 2025

Near-Miss on National Croissant Day


1/30/25 Macrina Bakery, Maple Leaf neighborhood

I may have ambivalence about Facebook, but if it hadn’t been for my Facebook “Memories” reminding me of my past observances of National Croissant Day on Jan. 30 each year, I might have missed it altogether!

Gratefully spared of that tragedy, I gave myself a break from income tax work to observe the important holiday. Since we have a CPA who does the heavy lifting, the hardest part about tax stuff is just getting started with the tedious prep. As I’ve experienced many times with downsizing tasks, I have a bad habit of procrastinating and procrastinating, and the longer I do, the more onerous it becomes (in my mind). Once I get started, though, it doesn’t take much time because by then I’m motivated to finish quickly. So the chocolate croissant wasn’t just a national observance; it was also a reward for getting started earlier in the tax season than I usually do.


  1. Maybe I should use chocolate croissants as a reward to get myself to organize and clean. I did finally clear one counter in the kitchen. lol Love the sketch!

    1. Chocolate croissants are a useful reward for anything! ;-)

  2. I do my own taxes, they are simple enough and too often put it off til it's suddenly the end of March and I must get with it! But I need to start now because I made some changes with who is overseeing my mutual fund accounts, and although my new advisor is great, I don't want to wait to the last minute in case there are any glitches in downloading financial information for instance. So I cringed to see you mention working on taxes, because that's exactly what I need to be doing too, instead of tossing pertinent mailings in a pile. :-)


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