Friday, February 28, 2025

Majestic Brothers on Moving Day


The moving company was scheduled for Wednesday. The last several days prior had been a ton of work packing as much studio stuff as I could so that the movers could help carry it downstairs. After filling more than 30 boxes, I ran out, so the remaining stuff I’ll just carry down a little at a time. But the important thing was getting all the furniture moved: Three desks and three bookcases, now all in place downstairs! (And sadly, I had to say good-bye to Greg’s jukebox, which the same movers hauled to Ballard Consignment.)

After they left, I took a much-needed break. With weeks of cold followed by an atmospheric river of rain and wind, my daily walks had been miserable and certainly without sketches. By late morning, it was downright balmy – temperatures in the low 50s and sunny! The Olympic mountains were glorious; the Brothers majestic.

Good-bye, Rockola!

A bit of unpacking to do!


  1. Goodness, it's almost as much work moving from upstairs to downstairs as it would be to entirely different house! It wouldn't have occurred to me to hire movers for that but what a smart move. Hopefully the jukebox will find a worthy new home where it will be played again.

    1. The stairway is steep and narrow... I would not have wanted to saddle non-pros with a job like that! I, too, hope the jukebox finds a worthy home. Seems like it would be ideal in a funky, retro cafe or something like that, even if it couldn't be played.


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