Monday, July 29, 2024

Sketcher Fest – Everything Else

7/19/24 James Hobbs talked about his new book, Sketchbook Reveal, published by Gabi Campanario's Sketcher Press, during his keynote at the opening reception.

 After the three-day intensity of Sketcher Fest plus two days of lead-up activities, I have so far tried to organize the events in some sort of order, both for myself and for readers. But at some point I ran out of organization. Herewith is everything else that happened during that fantastic time with no semblance of order. (Comments are in the cutlines.)

7/19/24 A sketch lunch with Joel on Friday afternoon before Day 1 activities began.

7/20/24 The artists' roundtable included all the instructors, who were asked questions by host Mario Linhares inspired by the artists' Instagram posts.

I don't think Gabi was as sad as I made him look here!

7/21/24 During the final sketch walk, I was still fired up from Eduardo Bajzek's workshop the previous day. Overcast and cool for the first time since Sketcher Fest started, the day was just right for graphite in expressing the misty Edmonds waterfront. I had to split the spread on my scanner; the full-length panorama is shown below the second page. The two rubberstamps on the left side were designed by Ellie Doughty.

My last sketches during the final sketch walk

As part of our commemoration of USk Seattle's 15th anniversary, Jane Wingfield collected most of the sketches that were submitted for the book that wouldn't fit in its 50 pages and turned them into six posters. Displayed during Sketcher Fest at Graphite Gallery, the posters can be reused and will likely be displayed elsewhere this year.

7/21/24 After the close of all events and everyone had broken down the displays, organizers, instructors and other volunteers celebrated at an "after" party. The event was billed as a "drink & draw," but I seemed to be the only one drawing (although I was just as exhausted as everyone else)!

James Hobbs hamming after autographing my copy of his new book, Sketchbook Reveal

The 2024 Sketcher Fest goodie bag!

I won an Urban Sketchers backpack in the raffle!

Canvas bag containing Art Toolkit

I stormed the vendor hall door to be first in line for
Art Toolkit's very limited edition Sketcher Fest pocket 
palette. I bought it without the customizable pans
so that I can take my time with the configuration
 I want and will buy them later.


  1. My head is whirling with all of your postings. You must be exhausted after the two event in a row. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, I was exhausted, but the good kind of exhausted just like after a symposium!

  2. That mew to you way of using graphite really worked well on your panorama of the waterfront. Wow - a winner of that backpack! Will you actually use it? And I can see why you wanted that limited edition pocket palette - it is beautiful.

    1. I'm not sure I have a use for the backpack... I have many, and I definitely don't carry backpacks when sketching. But I like winning! :-)


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