6/15/17 brush pen (5-min. pose) |
Gage Academy recently initiated a new membership program. For $75 a year, you
get a stack of benefits, the best of which are eight free life-drawing sessions,
discounts on more sessions and a free ticket to Drawing Jam. Those benefits alone more than pay for membership.
With all the excellent classes I’ve taken the past few years in colored pencil drawing, sketching quickly, life drawing and pen and ink, not to mention all the fun
at Drawing Jam each year, I signed up immediately – both to support a terrific
art school and to take advantage of the great bennies.
I typically go to life drawing only during the winter,
but now that I have this membership pass, I’m going to try to go more regularly
all year long. Well, OK, maybe only when it rains, but it still rains plenty year-round.
Like last Thursday. And yesterday.
6/15/17 brush pen (2-min. poses) |
6/15/17 water-soluble pencil (15-min. pose) |
6/8/17 brush pen (1-min. pose) |
6/8/17 brush pen (2-min. poses) |
6/8/17 brush pen (2-min. poses) |
Figure drawing is a great idea on a rainy day. These are nice!