12/28/12 Private Reserve Velvet Black ink, Stillman & Birn Gamma |
I’m a sketcher who enjoys sketching birds, I’m not a bird
watcher, but The Laws Guide to Drawing
Birds makes me want to become one. Published by Audubon and written by a
naturalist, the book offers many excellent step-by-step instructions on drawing
and painting birds in their natural environment.
Unless we are trained artists, we all have a template or
code in our brains about what a bird is supposed to look like. Getting past the
template and drawing what we actually see is one of the difficulties of
learning to draw, so I particularly appreciate the author’s many tips on avoiding
common pitfalls. For example, an inexperienced sketcher might draw a duck as if
its body is skimming the surface of the water, but in reality, quite a bit of the
lower portion of the body is underwater and isn’t visible.
In addition to stepped-out drawing instructions for common
species, the earlier chapters focus on bird anatomy. With no previous interest
in zoology, I didn’t think I’d find this interesting. Yet as I read, I found
myself completely fascinated by the arrangement and types of feathers, and the varying
structures of wings that help different species soar or flap. With a few paragraphs
of text and many beautiful illustrations, the book debunked a myth I have always
carried in my head: Birds’ legs look like they are bending “backward” at the
knee. It turns out that what I have always thought of as the knee is actually
the ankle, and birds essentially walk on their toes. Written in lay language,
the text points out clear – and surprising – analogies between bird and human
12/28/12 Diamine Chocolate Brown, Velvet Black, Zig markers |
In later advanced chapters, Laws shows how to make a flight
model from cardboard to help you visualize the foreshortening of wings as a
hawk circles. A chapter is also devoted to sketching in the field with useful
tips on using a spotting scope while drawing, how to draw a bird in constant
motion, or visually memorizing a bird when you think it is about to take flight
so that you will still be able to sketch it when it’s gone.
Finally, Laws gives a brief but excellent guide to using
color, especially watercolor and colored pencils. I have read numerous books on
watercolor technique that have been spotty in their explanation of color
mixing. The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds
has one of the most straightforward explanations for this potentially frustrating
(and expensive, if you end up buying a lot of paints you don’t use) aspect of
watercolor painting.
I recommend this book to anyone interested in nature
sketching, even if you aren’t particularly interested in birds (because by the
time you finish it, you will be!).