4/19/16 inks, watercolor, colored pencil |
Just about two years ago I sat outside Easy Street Records
and Café to sketch the view of multiple construction cranes on California Avenue Southwest. I hadn’t been to the
West Seattle Junction since then, so I was curious about what I could sketch
from the same spot this morning. But nothing there caught my eye, so I wandered
around the corner to Southwest Alaska Street. A tall fir shot up into the sky
like a lopsided rocket, although this time the utilities couldn’t be blamed for
the asymmetrical pruning job.
Back on the busy intersection of California and Alaska, I
stood in the shade of a bank’s awning to sketch the lively shadow pattern cast
by a tree. Looking for one last sketch before Greg was scheduled to pick me up, I
glanced across the street and saw – could it be? Yes – Elvis, waiting for a
4/19/16 brush pen |
4/19/16 brush pen, white gel pen |
You had a productive day with three nice sketches!!!