Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Walking with a Chance of Sunshine

1/14/25 Cloudy (but the trees were still wearing
their cheerful holiday lights)
1/13/25 Foggy

Our typical fog and overcast skies this time of year gave way to several days of sunshine last week – what a treat! Although I don’t suffer from clinical SAD, I have friends who do, and I know that this unseasonal sunlight is more than just a treat for them – it’s therapeutic. Even without SAD and even when it’s cold, I feel uplifted walking in sunshine. Here are some recent weather reports.

1/20/25 The Brothers in sunshine

1/25/25 Sunny

1/26/25 Sunny


  1. The color of your Ugly Book just intensifies the feel of sunlight. Nice!!

  2. Wonderful melange of sumi-e and doodling. Very inspirational.


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