3/29/14 Platinum Carbon ink, watercolor, Zig markers, Canson XL 140 lb. paper |
3/29/14 Platinum Carbon and Iroshizuku Kiri-Same inks, watercolor,
Zig marker, opaque white pen, Canson XL 140 lb. paper |
I was hoping the day would be dry and warm enough to sketch
outdoors, but it was wet and windy as usual. But I got to the museum early
anyway, wanting to get in as much sketching time as possible. My first sketch
was of Slo-mo-shun 2, the hydroplane
suspended from the ceiling over the main floor gallery. During an early lunch
at MOHAI’s Compass Café, I sketched the Virginia V moored on Lake Union right outside my window. (I couldn’t have asked for
a better view, even if I’d been outdoors!) Just as I was about to put away my paints, she belched a big cloud of dark smoke!
3/29/14 Diamine Chocolate Brown ink, Sailor pen, Canson XL 140 lb. paper |
My favorite sketch of the day was of Dexter Rothchild, AKA
Dexterius, a young man who was doing free caricatures of kids. It was
impressive to watch him use a bold black marker (from the smell, I’m guessing
it was a Copic) to identify each child’s distinguishing features – usually
hair, eyes and facial shape – and exaggerate them to create a fun caricature.
He was entertaining and quick enough to keep the kids from getting bored as he
drew them. I’m not as good as he is at capturing a likeness, but I’m just as
fast: I sketched both him and his
subject in almost the time it took him to finish one caricature. (But I gotta
hand it to him – I wouldn’t want to have to sketch on demand the way he did,
with a long line of kids all waiting their turn!)
3/29/14 Iroshizuku Take-Sumi ink, Strathmore 400 140 lb. paper |
3/29/14 Iroshizuku Take-Sumi ink, Strathmore 400 140 lb. paper |
3/29/14 Private Reserve Velvet Black ink |
During my gig in the sketching area while interacting with
visitors, I sketched the Space Needle in pen and ink. I’ve sketched numerous
views of the Needle, but this may be one of my favorites. I like the simplicity
of monochrome ink (and I think I finally got the Needle’s proportions right). I
also sketched a couple of the many kids who came by to participate. The girl on
the bench, about seven years old, came to show me all of her excellent
drawings. I’m always inspired by the lack of inhibition and pride of young
Wow! You had a full day of sketching...and what a variety of subjects. I love the one of the ship moored outside the window...lucky selection of a spot to sit. Great people sketches too. Isn't it great that kids have so few inhibitions when they are young...why can't it carry over in life? Thanks for sharing your day.