Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sketch the Answers to Who, What, Where?


7/19/24 Andika Murandi's workshop, Sketcher Fest

Tough duties for the TA! (Photo by Janet Wang)

In addition to taking on “as needed” tasks, one of my official volunteer duties during Sketcher Fest was to be a teaching assistant to Andika Murandi for his workshop, “Sketch Your Story – Visual Storytelling.” He uses the tagline “sketch ‘n’ chill,” which describes his philosophy of urban sketching – that it should be enjoyable, relaxing and stress-free. I remember that stress-free feeling from when I was a student in his workshop years ago. As his TA, I benefited again from his chill attitude in that I hardly had anything to do to help him except take photos and carry his sign as we walked to the workshop location! (As a mom-ish TA, I also carried sunscreen in my bag in case any of his students forgot theirs.)

During his demo, he encouraged students to ask three questions just as a journalist would: who, what, where? If we answer those questions with our sketches, we tell a more complete story. I tried to do the same with my reportage sketch of Andika’s excellent workshop.

About that workshop location . . . it happened to be right outside the town’s gelato shop. How convenient for his students when they needed a break (not to mention his TA).

Andika before beginning his demo, encouraging everyone to relax

Giving feedback to a student

1 comment:

  1. I like the "no stress" idea and the questions to help tell the story.


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