Sunday, June 30, 2024

Portland, Part 2: Ole Bolle


6/24/24 Ole Bolle at Nordic Northwest, Beaverton

A highlight of my short Portland trip was sketching Ole Bolle, one of Thomas Dambo’s whimsical troll sculptures. The only other troll I’d sketched was the one in Ballard at the National Nordic Museum, so I was thrilled to be able to catch this one in the Portland suburb of Beaverton. It was an especially fun outing to go with a Facebook friend I had known for years but had never met before this.

After sketching the larger sketch at top of post, I went around the sculpture to capture a few details. All the Dambo trolls are made from recycled wood and other materials. It was fun to catch the couple and their dog posed under Ole's elbow for scale.

Someday I hope to get around to sketching the other trolls in the Pacific Northwest, but I can already say that Ole Bolle will probably be a favorite. It’s a delight to walk into the schoolhouse and look up at Ole through the opened roof!

Cindy and Tina

Photo by Cindy Smith


  1. Ole Bolle — what a delight! He reminded me instantly of the wonderful sculpture "I See What You Mean" at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver (easily found on Google, not to be missed if you visit Denver).

    1. I just Googled -- oh, indeed, I can see why Ole brought the bear to mind! I would love to see that in person!

  2. Ole Bolle is great and I love that you can see him thru the open roof of the house. How great that you were able to sketch him. There are a few of them at the Boothbay Botanical Garden, but when I was there with my sister and her family I was only able to get to see one of them...and didn't have time to sketch it. Hopefully I will be able to get back there and see more of them. I know my sister has seen them all.

    1. You definitely need to go back and sketch those trolls! So much fun!


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