2/29/16 inks (Mt. Hood sketched from the aerial tram.) |
Having grown up and lived in Seattle my whole life, I think
of Portland, Oregon, as the way Seattle used to be up until the ‘70s. In
Portland, you can still find a parking space downtown relatively easily. When
you signal to make a lane change, drivers in the adjacent lane actually slow
down or wave you in instead of speeding up to keep you out. Portland still has
the easy, comfy feeling I nostalgically recall about Seattle before Microsoft
and Amazon happened. When we get tired of the traffic here, we go to Portland.
2/28/16 colored pencils (Moo Lung dragon at the
Oregon Historical Society Museum) |
When the sun came out, we rode the streetcar from our hotel
to the waterfront and got on the Portland Aerial Tram. While we used it as a tourist attraction, the tram is
primarily used for commuting. On the way up we both took photos and videos, but
on the way back down I captured a glimpse of a shrouded Mt. Hood in my
sketchbook. (Fastest sketch ever – the ride lasts three minutes, but my sketch
probably took less than a minute!)
2/29/16 Pigma brush pen, colored pencils (Deschutes
Brewery in Portland's Pearl District) |
2/29/16 ink, colored pencil (Powell's Books coffee shop) |
2/29/16 ink, colored pencil (busker outside Powell's Books) |
Mt. Hood from the Portland Aerial Tram |
Quaffing brews at Deschutes |
A bag of books from Powell's |
Sounds like you had fun despite the weather. I like your quick sketch on the tram!!!