Thursday, August 26, 2021

Quantity vs. Quality


7/9/21 concrete mixer
Although I always enjoy spending a half-hour or more on a carefully observed sketch of a composition or subject that engages me, sometimes I don’t have either the time or the inclination. Often I’m just in the mood to spend no more than five or ten minutes on a quick notation. They are satisfying in a different way.

Each sketch individually is nothing special, either in content or execution, but I believe I have gained skills from the sheer number of sketches that accumulate over the years. Chief among them is the ability to sketch quickly when I want to. Another is the appreciation for process over product; quantity over quality. Each few minutes seems like nothing, but after a while, they add up to something.

Field Notes Brand seems to agree. .  . the maker of my favorite pocket-size sketchbooks recently featured my sketches on Instagram!

7/13/21 Maple Leaf alley

7/19/21 kendo and tai chi practice at Maple Leaf Park

7/31/21 Actual raindrops on my sketchbook!

8/6/21 Maple Leaf Park playground

8/12/21 Skid steerer at work on a landscaping project

8/23/21 construction worker

8/23/21 Mini Cooper

8/23/21 tree trimmer

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