Friday, January 23, 2015

Fran’s Chocolates!

1/23/15 Diamine Chocolate Brown ink, Caran d'Ache Museum water-
soluble colored pencil, Canson XL 140 lb. paper
Under any circumstance, it doesn’t take much to get me to go to Fran’s Chocolates. And with my sketchbook? Meeting the Friday ad hoc sketchers at Fran’s new Georgetown location this morning was my idea of heaven: Sipping a mocha so rich I could have eaten it with a spoon, the scent of chocolate wafting gently from the kitchen, I sketched the workers handcrafting jewel-like creations through a huge window.

As I sketched, Fran’s daughter Andrina came by to chat, and I told her that I have fond memories of shopping at Fran’s back in the ‘80s when she had a small storefront in Madison Valley. Fran’s newest location is in a building that started out as the Rainier Brewery’s ice house in 1902, Andrina said. It’s now a sparkling-white kitchen and spacious coffee and confection shop for the family-run business.

1/23/15 Diamine Chocolate Brown ink, Caran d'Ache Museum water-
soluble colored pencil, Canson XL 140 lb. paper

Although it was fun to tour Theo Chocolates a couple of years ago, it wasn’t conducive to sketching because we had to stay with the group and couldn’t linger where the action was. At Fran’s, I could sketch by the window at my leisure with a perfect view of all the activity. 

Afterwards I joined the other sketchers in the café and retail area, where an employee helped a customer pick out chocolates like they were precious gemstones. (Yes, they are pricey, but worth it.)

A heavenly sketch outing, indeed!

1/23/15 Diamine Chocolate Brown ink, Caran d'Ache Museum water-
soluble colored pencil, Canson XL 140 lb. paper

1/23/15 Diamine Chocolate Brown and Twilight inks, Caran d'Ache Museum
soluble colored pencil, Zig marker


  1. Great sketches of the action at Fran's Chocolates!!! Sounds like a devine place to sketch and then sample.

  2. And what better ink to sketch with than Diamine Chocolate! Although I guess Derwent's Chocolate WC pencil would have been ok, too.

  3. Great sketches, Tina. Looks like that was a really sweet sketching session.

    Cheers --- Larry

  4. I KNEW you would produce a great account and sketches of this place! So envious of the missed opportunity, but my Kirkland classes started today. I might have to talk my husband into taking me there tomorrow. Ditto on the "chocolate" ink. Yummmm to all of it. Great job, Tina!


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