Saturday, May 4, 2024

Diary Comic Challenge Follow-up


4/22/24 I paused Fran's recorded Facebook yoga class to draw these poses.

As reported mid-month, I gave myself a challenge to draw a diary comic daily for the 30 days of April. Although I completed the challenge, some “comics” were not much more than single panels of sketches accompanied by words. I tried to up my game the second half of the month by working toward a story arc in each comic or at least some kind of narrative. Again, some were hardly worthy of being deemed “comics” (reading Scott McCloud’s books has significantly raised the esteem of the comic genre in my mind). However, I did learn a lot from my practice, and I think it shows in these, which are the best of the second half of April.

4/24/24 Drawn from memory and imagination

In addition to the regular practice, an important goal of the self-challenge was to see if I even liked making diary comics. Indeed, I enjoyed it very much and intend to continue – maybe not necessarily daily but often enough to maintain the habit. As long as I continue to grow creatively and learn from it, any activity is worth doing.

Drawn from imagination and photo reference.

(Some comics I am not sharing because they are, after all, my diary and therefore personal. However, I probably will share some eventually as my exploration of diary comics continues.)

5/1/24 I didn't get around to making a comic on April 30, so I finished up on May 1. Although these were drawn mostly from memory, for the last one I Googled "dog peeing" images to check my work. Studying the images impressed me! Dogs keep their heads low to shift more weight to the front and improve their balance -- just like I do in some yoga poses. Drawing from close observation always results in learning!


  1. "Who's a good triangle?" Well done, Tina — that had me laughing aloud.
    Thanks, as aways.
    ~ David Miller


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