Saturday, February 22, 2025

Happy Hour

1/28/25 (Although most quotations on these
 sketches are from song lyrics, this one was 
something one of the caregivers said.)


Since we still aren’t taking many walks in the cold and mostly inhospitable weather we’ve been having, my visits with Greg enable me to observe (and sketch) whatever activities are going on while I’m there.


My favorite time to visit is “happy hour” each week when a musician performs. I think they are asked by the staff to sing songs that will be familiar and appealing to this generation, and singing along is encouraged. My favorite recent vocalist, however, was Ali (top left), a young woman who included music from several eras, including contemporary. I wasn’t familiar with the newer songs, and I doubt the residents were either, but I enjoyed being introduced to fresher music. (I don’t need to hear “Que Sera, Sera” as often as some people seem to want to sing it. I mean, just because you’re an octogenarian doesn’t mean you love Doris Day.)

By the way, have I said lately how much I love my Pentel Pocket Brush Pen?






  1. Laughing as I too would not be one to want to hear Doris Day ad nauseam. :-) I do enjoy these little snapshot portraits.

  2. It’s amazing how you can just use a few lines and yet you captured a sense of their personality!


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