

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Orzo Garbanzo Soup


2/5/23 Orzo garbanzo soup

A dear friend left some delicious soups at our door, and I had already scarfed down most of a big bowlful when it occurred to me that I wanted to sketch it. In general, I’m not too big on sketching my food (occasional pastries notwithstanding). But like our first post-vax indoor restaurant meal, the first in-store shopping trip, and the first vaccine dose, it seemed important to document soup that I ate while sequestered in the TV room.

I sure am happy that COVID hasn’t taken my sense of taste or my appetite!


  1. It is great that you have someone who brought you some soup...just the perfect thing when you don't feel too well. I'm not good at sketching food that is a meal. I'm usually too hungry to do that. It is OK if it is more of a treat. Nice sketch! Glad your sense of taste wasn't affected.

    1. We had enough soup to last several meals... I so appreciated her kindness!
