

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Petal-Peeping Tour Has Begun!


3/12/22 Ballard neighborhood

Ever since a few local friends had reported seeing bits of pink here and there, I put my seasonal pink pencils into my bag. It seemed too early, especially with the unusually cold winter we had (and are still having), but I decided to be optimistic.

Saturday dawned mostly clear, and by afternoon, it was warm enough to sketch outside my car, so I took a drive to Ballard. Thinking I’d find some interesting industrial buildings or structures on “the other side of the tracks,” I suddenly spotted a huge cherry in full bloom! I was certainly happy to have pink in my bag – and happier still that spring really seems to be on its way.


  1. It is always a wonderful surprise to find a tree in bloom before all the others. I haven't even seen flowers popping up yet...but then I really haven't been looking.

    1. Daffies are coming up all over the neighborhood, too!

  2. Amazing that it's in bloom. The UW cherry tree cam shows more blooms! I think what I saw around yesterday were plums.

    1. Yes, the plums are usually ahead of the cherries by a bit. I just sketched one yesterday.
