

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Another Chocolate Fountain

1/5/19 Feast Buffet's chocolate fountain and chocolate shaving station

Call it sketching serendipity or buffet déjà vu. We were invited to brunch at Feast Buffet on Saturday, and just like the time we went to Bluefin Buffet last November, we were seated with a perfect view of the chocolate fountain (and it almost looks like the same girl using it!). Although it never tastes as good as it looks, the fountain is the most fun to sketch at a buffet. As a bonus, this buffet also has a chocolate shaving station – a pole that looks like the Cat in the Hat’s hat except it’s made of dark and white chocolate. Again, it looks better than it tastes, but it’s fun to sketch.

My dessert was more fun to sketch than eat, especially after eating several
plates of other foods!
Technical note: I’m really feeling the challenge of my self-imposed limited palette! In November when I sketched the fountain, I simply grabbed my chocolate brown pencil – easy-peasy. This time I used warm gray, orange and a touch of red to mix that shade of brown.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of a chocolate shaving station. Our buffets don't have anything so exciting. lol Good mix of colors to get the brown.
