

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pandemic Nostalgia

6/1/24 Maple Leaf neighborhood

During the pre-vax pandemic era, Greg and I walked almost daily within and around a four-by-ten-block neighborhood area. Because we rarely saw anyone walking those blocks, and even car traffic was light to nonexistent, it seemed like the safest route. A bonus were the traffic circles, where I could stand to sketch a safe distance from both pedestrians and cars. (In retrospect, our over-abundance of pandemic caution was ridiculous; many other areas would have been perfectly safe to walk, and passing other pedestrians on the sidewalk was hardly a risk in any case, but it was a reflection of my anxiety back then.)

After we were vaccinated, we widened our walking route, and my walk/sketch fitness program has widened it further. For quite a while, I avoided walking that overly familiar four-by-ten-block area just because I had felt I had literally sketched “everything” there.

Now when I occasionally walk that route again, it feels nostalgic. I’ll pass the same blossoming dogwood trees that delighted us in 2020, and I remember where kids had decorated the sidewalk with rocks painted with affirmations and greetings. There’s the lawn where we had seen a gopher’s movements near its hole (but not the gopher itself, though we waited quite a while for it to pop out). Although these memories are not related to the pandemic itself, I will forever associate them with 2020. Dogwoods, painted rocks and gophers were our daily touchstones of reality in a world that seemed unreal. 


  1. We were lucky to have places we could go to safely. I go to some of those areas and the memories of those days take over for me too.

    1. That period was so weird... it makes the associations stronger.

  2. You are not the only one being very cautious in those early days of the pandemic. I occasionally would have to pass someone coming the other way down the sidewalk when I took my walks, unavoidable, and actually held my breath as we passed, fanning the air afterwards. I'm still pretty careful - it's still lurking out there for those of us with compromised systems, regardless of vaccinations.

    1. I'm still cautious, too, and I may never go back into huge crowds. I think COVID changed the way most of us feel about communicable diseases now.
