

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Drink & Draw: It’s a Thing!


5/31/24 Project 9 Brewing Co. drink & draw with USk Seattle

Unlike other Urban Sketchers communities, especially in Europe and Asia, USk Seattle has never embraced the evening drink-and-draw as a sketching and socializing opportunity. Although we occasionally have lunch together after an outing (though usually we just chat and don’t sketch – a tradition I tried to change a while back, but I seemed to be the only one sketching!), and small groups often sketch together over coffee, evening pub gatherings just aren’t our thing. Or at least they haven’t been – but maybe they are, and we just haven’t tried it! Last week I decided to correct that, just to see how it would go.

Although I can drink and draw, I apparently can't drink and write haiku -- I had to do that part later in the evening after I got home!

Meeting at Project 9, the brew pub in my neighborhood where I’ve sketched with friends several times, we had a blast! With huge seating spaces, both indoors and out, and two food trucks on busy weekend nights, it’s an ideal, informal venue for groups when we don’t know how many will show up, and everyone drifts in at various times. On a warmish, sunny, Friday evening, the place was lively, yet it never felt over-crowded.

Who says drink & draws aren’t our thing? With all the encouraging comments I received afterwards, it definitely won’t be the last USk Seattle drink & draw, especially on the warm summer nights ahead. And we’ve encouraged all sketchers, not just the admins, to initiate drink & draws in their own neighborhoods by simply posting invitations in the Facebook group.

As someone commented on my Instagram post, there's nothing quite as happy as the sight of a bunch of sketchers with all their art supplies spread out, chatting and sketching together!


  1. Glad to see the Drink & Draw was a hit. I've enjoyed doing it when the occasion has come up, but our city group is just so far from me that the few times they've done it in the evening, it didn't work for me to attend. I wish I was closer to the city, especially since our group has things going on during the week too.

    1. Maybe you need to lead a D&D in your own neighborhood... surely there must be at least one or two other sketchers nearby...? ;-)
