

Saturday, February 25, 2023



2/20/23 Finally caught.

For more than three weeks, a squirrel had been living under the dormer roof just above our bedroom. It woke us at night with its loud scurrying, digging and who-knows-what-all. Three small holes in our ceiling appeared, and it amazes me that a critter without a beak could do such damage. Two traps had been set.

After much frustration on our part, two squirrels were finally trapped one night. At least one was the guilty party, and it was quiet for two days, so workers at Willard’s Pest Control made repairs to the roof where the critters had gotten in. 

Much to our aggravation, another squirrel must have snuck in before the repairs, and we have had to start over with more traps! I can hear it scrabbling around up there even as I type this.

I’m not happy about euthanizing any animal (especially when I’ve enjoyed sketching their brethren), but I’m also not happy about damage to our roof and ceiling.

Willard’s Pest Control told us that if the trapped squirrels turn out to be native species, they would be relocated instead of killed. Unfortunately, the common Eastern gray squirrels we trapped were out of luck.

One of two squirrels that were trapped in one night.


  1. Oh NO!! Not another one! Nothing creeps me out more than hearing things moving in my walls or ceiling. My granddaughter once asked me how I set traps for the rats in my yard while keeping pet rats in my house. Do I feel like a hypocrite? No, I don't. Anne HwH

    1. Argghhh... I can hear him up there dancing away right now! :-( So aggravating!

  2. I'm sure hearing them scratch around was quite creepy...and then to have two of them removed and having to go through it again is upsetting. Sorry to hear that they weren't meeting a happy ending. Glad you were able to get a sketch done.

    1. Still waiting to trap the current culprit... maybe I'll get another sketch out of this ordeal.
