

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Porch Light

12/8/22 Maple Leaf neighborhood, 6:55 a.m.

The house on this corner never lights up for the holidays. It has a very bright porch light, though, that stays on all night. The last time I sketched it was two years ago but a few weeks earlier in the year, so the sky had more light at around the same time of the morning. It was rainy and thickly clouded when I sketched this last week, so all I could see at 6:55 a.m. was the porch and reflections of the porch light on the grass and wet pavement. In the distance, lights were on inside a school building.

Two years ago, I sketched
a nocturne of the house directly to the west of the corner house. But that’s the one where all the construction has been going on since summer, and the owners haven’t been living in it, so the house is entirely dark all the time. I miss their subtle decorations and mantle lights.

I want to sketch more nocturnes, but I’m running out of views that I can sketch while still in my jammies (well, maybe not literally, but I could). I’ll have to start looking through other windows, but the nocturne views aren’t as good. 


  1. You are lucky to have some views. All my windows look out at the woods. lol

    1. I do like having this street view from the front end of the house!
