

Sunday, August 21, 2022

No Peaches

8/15/22 Burke-Gilman Park

Metropolitan Market is where I go to get fantastic peaches every August. With Peach-o-Rama well under way, I eagerly hopped over there last week, only to learn that they were out (at least for a few days). Disappointed, I walked over to the park behind the parking lot, which I learned is called Burke-Gilman Park. Lovely backlit trees to sketch from a cool, shady spot: Not a bad consolation prize.

Color note: As you can see, I’ve resumed my summer primary triad (and the colors in my “normal” palette). It was fun and challenging to use Beya Rebaï’s colors, but I knew it wouldn’t last. It’s not that I don’t like the colors, but I kept feeling like I was borrowing someone else’s sketch kit. It made me realize how personal color selection is.

Two Rebai-inspired colors that I'm retaining for now.
I did, however, keep a couple of pencils in my bag for now: Apricot (041) and Genuine Cobalt Blue (662). A warm and a cool tint that were new to me, they have made me think differently about how I color white buildings, so they are worth hanging onto for now. If I don’t use them by the next time I clean out my bag, they will be jettisoned.


  1. Too bad they didn't have peaches. I had donut peaches the other day that were so good. They reminded me of being in Venice. Nice sketch. The yellow-green really makes the foliage stand out.

    1. I went back a few days later and got lots of peaches! :-)
