

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

More Pink


3/25/22 Wedding photo shoot at UW Quad

In case the weather changed and all the blossoms disappeared, we thought last Friday might be our last chance to see the fleeting sakura at the UW Quad. This time I made only one quick sketch that I couldn’t resist: a wedding photo shoot.

If you’re wondering about the pink notebook, it’s my current whatever journal in a Nomad Notebooks limited edition Sakura notebook. Sadly, it has been sold out for a long time, and this one was a gift, so it’s the only one I have. I wish I had hoarded a few packs when they came out!

While I’m showing off pink things, I can’t forget my new Rickshaw Bagworks bag. I bought it last fall when both the weather and reports of omicron were getting bleak, and I needed something to look forward to. I’m happy that it’s time to bring it out. It’s the same “small” size Zero Messenger Bag style that I’ve been using for years – just a new custom color combination. (I buy bags the way some women buy shoes: One for every outfit, need and season.)

My new spring bag from Rickshaw!

Spring flair (counter-clockwise from left): Urban Sketchers Seattle logo, fountain pen pin from the Well-Appointed Desk, Blackwing pencil pin, rainbow pencil pin (a gift)


  1. These sakura blossoms are beautiful!!! Makes me long to go to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.

    1. They're gorgeous, aren't they? Hope you'll be sketching pink soon!
