

Saturday, December 19, 2020


12/15/20 Alexis, 15-min. pose

Life Drawing + continues its series of life-drawing sessions featuring models from the LGBT community. Alexis (who prefers she/her) wore some fantastic boots that were fun and challenging to draw (and must be challenging to walk in)!

Like the previous sessions when Hattie and Raven Mandella modeled, this session gave me an opportunity to learn more about gender and racial issues. During the break, moderator Agata interviewed two representatives of the Black Trans Foundation. When the Black Lives Matter movement first began to raise greater awareness of racial issues, the term “white privilege” was often heard. But many of us are less aware of all the many other ways in which we are privileged – having a college education, for example. Simply being able to walk down a street without having to fear for one’s life due to one’s gender identity is a privilege.

When the floor was opened to questions from participants, one artist asked the Black Trans Foundation representatives what one thing they would change if they could. The response was startlingly simple (and easy): Many people who do not identify with being either biologically male or female indicate their preferred pronouns along with their name, such as “Tina (she/her).” The simple suggestion was this: Everyone, not just transgender people, could add their preferred pronoun to their email signature line. When we stop assuming that everyone identifies with either one or the other gender, we are helping to normalize people who identify with their genders in a different way.

On Dec. 22, Life Drawing+ will sponsor a holiday party and fundraiser for the Black Trans Foundation.

12/15/20 5- and 2-min. poses

12/15/20 2-min. poses

15-min. pose

12/15/20 10-min. pose (Look at those fantastic boots!)


  1. These are such great sketches, and the discussions sound so interesting. I'm sure people would learn a lot hearing what they have to say.

    1. I'm enjoying the series a lot. I never thought I would be able to learn from life drawing this way!
