

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Zoom Boom

4/1/20 Friendly faces in my Zoom screen.

I’d never heard of the Zoom videoconferencing app until a few weeks ago, when suddenly it was the app of choice. Designed for remote business meetings, lots of people started using it to socialize in the age of social distancing. Workers are finding it essential, families are using it to stay in touch, and sketchers are using it for casual drink-and-draw style meetups.

I was a little skeptical about whether I’d want to participate; I’m not too keen on videoconferences, and the last time I was in one, my previous laptop overheated! But when my favorite Facebook group (in which everyone collects and talks about pencils) initiated a worldwide meetup, I decided it was a good time to find out what the Zoom app was all about.

More than 30 people from North America, Europe and Asia participated. As the self-appointed sketchographer, I tried to capture as many as I could. Initially when all participants were in the room, the images were so small that it was hard to see. Later we broke out into smaller “rooms” of 8 or 9 each, and it was easier to capture faces.

I admit, it was a lot of fun. And like it or not, this is the way socializing will have to occur in the age of COVID-19, so I may as well embrace it.