

Friday, May 10, 2019

Another Japanese Maple

5/4/19 Maple Leaf neighborhood

A few days ago I showed you my study of a lace leaf Japanese maple that I had made using a bicolor editing pencil (shown below). The two distinct vermillion and Prussian blue hues somehow made it easier for me to interpret the subtle differences in values.

On another sunny day, I passed a different Japanese maple in the ‘hood, so I decided to try it with more realistic colors (above). Without the stark contrast between red and blue, it was a challenge to make the illuminated parts of the tree stand out distinctly against the shaded areas, but I hope I got enough contrast to indicate the light. Although I didn’t give this tree as much detail, it was helpful to have studied the first tree closely because the shape of the leaf clusters was familiar.


  1. I love Japanese maples and this reminds me of their graceful, arching branches. This is a very pleasing sketch, between the tree and the house, I love the contrast!

    1. Thank you, Cathy! It's one of my favorite types of composition -- architectural lines next to the organic forms of trees and plants.
