

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Drawing Jam Jams Again! (Part 2 – Unwitting Models)

12/6/14 Diamine Chocolate Brown ink, Caran d'Ache
Museum water-soluble colored pencil, Canson XL
140 lb. paper
As usual, I spent most of my time at Drawing Jam in the various life drawing studios. But when I couldn’t get a good view of the models or if I was just tired of drawing them, I stayed in back and sketched other artists or even the musicians who entertained us as we sketched. 

12/6/14 Diamine Sargasso Sea ink, Caran d'Ache
Museum pencil

12/6/14 Diamine Chocolate Brown ink

12/6/14 Diamine Chocolate Brown ink


  1. I think the other artists can be as interesting, or even more interesting than the models. Nice job!

  2. Tina, I have a totally unrelated question. If you can, will you please share with me how you removed the diffuser panel from the front of your Verilux lamp? I found your blog from your amazon page, where I read your review about the replacement bulb. I'm not really a stalker, just resourceful! I have tried everything I can think of to get it off, all to no avail. I can depress the tabs as directed, but then there is nothing to get ahold of. I am totally frustrated and bummed, not good for someone who really needs a happy lamp. If you would be so kind as to tell me how you succeeded, I will be eternally thankful and maybe able to change my own light bulb! Somehow, I did not anticipate needing help changing a light bulb. :) Thanks love, Tammy

  3. Tina, you asked on the NYC Urban Sketchers about the "mandatory Jim" sketches. LOL It has become a running joke that we have to do a sketch that includes Jim at each outing. It seemed that when we share our sketches at the end of each session almost everyone would have one of Jim...sort of like having that gnome statue show up in all those travel photos.
