

Monday, November 3, 2014

Rainy-Day Metasketching

11/3/14 Platinum Carbon ink, Van Gogh watercolors, Stillman & Birn Beta sketchbook

When I saw that this week’s Urban Sketchers Flickr group theme is to sketch our sketch kits, it occurred to me that it’s been a long time since I’ve done any metasketching. (That’s the term I tried to coin a couple of years ago to mean sketching one’s sketch materials, but I discovered that it already means something. Gabi uses it to mean sketching another sketch or painting. It apparently also means something related to computer modeling.) The last time I metasketched was a year-and-a-half ago on a day similar to today – with pouring rain (though it’s not threatening to snow today as it was then).

If truth be told (and anyone who has seen a photo of my actual bag dump knows that this is the truth), the sketch above is only a portion of my everyday-carry; I didn’t include my “Stefano” sketchbook, mixing pan, spritzer, travel brush, Zig markers and additional multiples of various pens and other things I can’t seem to leave the house without. And of course I have more than one pair of glasses and watercolor kit, or I wouldn’t have been able to sketch and paint the glasses and watercolor kit, right? (Whoa, mind-boggling.)

The good news is that I now have a double-duty sketch for InkNaNoDrawMo as well as the weekly theme. 

The bad news is that the forecast for the rest of the week looks much the same as today:

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the forecast but at least you found something fun to sketch, and since you only sketched part of your supplies you can continue with another sketch tomorrow. lol
