

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chinese Pinwheel Palm

9/26/13 Platinum Carbon ink, watercolor,
Canson Montval 140 lb. paper
I used to think that palm trees were strange, out of place and probably chilly in Seattle. After blogging about one that I had spotted last spring in a Northgate strip mall, a friend pointed out that the type of palm I had sketched was a Chinese pinwheel palm, a hardy variety that actually survives well in Seattle’s decidedly non-tropical climate.

As often happens when I learn something like this, I started seeing Chinese pinwheel palms everywhere I looked. This one is growing a block east of my house. As exotic and foreign as these trees still seem, I’ve grown fond of their wide, fan-like fronds optimistically waving in the cold, damp air.

(This is my first test of Canson Montval 140-pound paper.)

1 comment:

  1. Nice sketch! I like that you have the staircase behind it.

    I also see palm trees and think tropical but there were palms outside even in Ireland when we were there. I never realized that some species could withstand colder temps.
