

Tuesday, August 27, 2024



8/23/24 Project 9 Brewing Co. drink & draw

The main reason breweries make ideal venues for USk drink & draws is that they always have large tables with open seating, so people can come and go at any time. Another big attraction for me is that most breweries welcome pets, and I can almost always find a dog to sketch (apparently a cat was also visiting elsewhere in the brewery, though I didn’t see it).

Last Friday at Project 9 Brewing Company, the star of my page was Xander, a very chill, well-behaved dog and excellent model. Chatting and sketching with his mom and dad, I learned that Xander is a retired sheep guard. I was shown a photo of him lying with a herd of adorable lambs. Seeing Christina giving him treats now and then, I asked what he was eating: Lamb! I had to laugh at the irony.


  1. I had to chuckle at Xander's treats! You did a great sketch of him. I get jealous of your drink & draws. I don't get a chance to draw that way.

    1. You gotta hand it to dogs... they have no sense of irony! ;-)
