

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Wedgewood Rock Tree

7/23/24 Wedgwood neighborhood

One day I was running errands in the Wedgwood neighborhood, when I came across an unexpected sight: An enormous boulder in front of house! That was back in 2016, and a little research informed me that the 19.5-foot-tall rock, known by locals as “The Wedgwood Rock,” is actually a glacial erratic. “Deposited more than 14,000 years ago by the Vashon Glacier, it was a landmark for Native Americans in what was once a dense forest” (Wikipedia).

At the time, I didn’t pay much attention to the trees growing next to the rock, but it turns out that one, an Atlas cedar, is documented in Taha Ebrahimi’s book, Street Trees of Seattle. (The second tree is not looking very well; refer to the linked post to see what it looked like in 2016.) I think it’s notable mainly because it is growing right next to the huge rock, but I still enjoyed sketching it along with the rock again, all these years later. It’s still remarkable to find something like that in a residential neighborhood.


  1. That's one big rock! The smaller tree probably doesn't have much room for its roots.
