

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Diary Comics from Life

7/31/24 Green Lake and Maple Leaf

My initial diary comics self-challenge last spring was to get myself to sketch more from memory and imagination. After the month was over, I did a few more comics pages like that, but eventually I petered out. It’s just so much easier, less time-consuming and almost always more satisfying to draw from observation. It’s really difficult to maintain my motivation unless I’m sketching from life, which I can almost always find a way to do. When I simply can’t get out for a sketch from life, I use a photo as a last resort, but that’s a rare day.

7/8/24 Maple Leaf neighborhood

Instead of continuing to push myself to do something I don’t find satisfying, I’m content to visually document my day on location. The page spread I made on July 31 (top of post) is a good example: Each vignette made from life, and the collective spread a story about how my day went.

7/11/24 U Village and South Lake Union

The result is no different from other attempts I’ve made (initially in 2020 after seeing a prompt from USk Japan and continued later as my scribble journal), but the difference in process is significant: I carry around my pocket-size Uglybook wherever I go. The larger sizes I tried in the past meant that I used the books only at home, and inevitably toward the end of the day when I was tired and out of time. That did push me to use my imagination and memory more, but it often felt like a chore more than a pleasure – which is why the habit wouldn’t stick. My current format is always fun because it’s what I do so naturally.

7/26/24 Seattle Fish Guys, Central District

The comics format is also good practice for working on page composition and design – making the disparate images look like they belong together. It’s not the same as challenging myself to work from my own head, but it’s satisfying as a practice that I have wanted for a long time. It’s finally sticking.


  1. You fit so much on those pocket sized ugly book pages!

  2. One would think sketching from memory would be easy but in my experience it is not. How could I not be able to figure out how to draw something I'm familiar with? And can even see in my mind's eye? It's a puzzle to me. So like you, I get much more enjoyment sketching live.

    1. Like anything, I guess it's just a matter of practice. Sketching from imagination is even harder than from memory!
