

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pet Portraits


6/2/24 Gracie (reference photo by Cindy Smith)

The pups I sketched for yesterday’s post reminded me that I’ve made a few other pet portraits recently that I hadn’t shown yet. At left is Gracie, whom I sketched as a surprise gift for a friend I visited in Portland.

Although I had sketched Ernest Theodore (below) previously from a photo, it was really special to be able to sketch him again, this time from life. Both he and Nyx attended a meet-up of Seattle-area members of a couple of Facebook groups I’m in – Field Nuts and the Erasable Podcast Community. Though not as polished as the portraits I have made from photos, these were certainly more fun (I don't have scans of these sketches because I gave them away on the spot).

6/14/24 Ernest Theodore

6/14/24 Nyx


  1. Ernest Theodore is such a dignified name for a dog. Nice work on the pet portraits.
