

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Mud Truck


2/16/24 Maple Leaf neighborhood

Outside Macrina Bakery near the outdoor seating area, I sensed a quiet presence as I sketched the action across the street. A young boy who had been dining with his family nearby was watching me. I showed him my sketch, and he turned to look at the mud truck and flagman. Shy at first, he eventually asked my name, and I learned his. Mika told me he likes to draw, too.

He pointed out that my sign was the wrong shape – the one he saw then showed the hexagonal stop sign. I told him to wait a moment, and the flagman would turn the sign around to let the cars pass. He waited patiently until the flagman turned the sign around.

“Thank you for indulging him,” his dad said as I turned to leave.

No, I thought to myself, thank you, Mika, for giving me a smile as I sketched. “Nice to meet you, Mika!”