

Friday, October 27, 2023

Fourth Northeast Maple


10/21/23 Maple Leaf neighborhood

I don’t often sketch the same trees more than once in the same season, but like the Green Lake sweet gums, this particular maple is on one of my regular walking routes, so it got more sketchbook attention than most trees. And it’s worthy of attention: Its colors are blazing on an otherwise ordinary street.

To show how much it has changed, below is the sketch I made two weeks earlier, standing on the same traffic circle one block south.



  1. It has really undergone a color change! Nice,y captured.

    1. Thanks! It's fun to document the changes this way!

  2. There's a tall maple like these gums across the street from our library. When you started sketching trees turning starting at the top, I hadn't stopped to think about that but sure enough, that maple was doing exactly the same thing. Smaller trees I think may turn all at the same time, but you might be a better gauge of that. Oh, and I finally figured out why I was having trouble commenting as anything but anonymous. Firefox has an enhanced tracking protection feature that I discovered was responsible for me suddenly not being able to upload pictures to my blog. Turn it off and things were fine. So I tried turning it off on your blog and now it recognizes me as logged into my google acct.

    1. I'm glad you figured out the posting issue so you don't have to be among the vast Anonymous crowd! ;-) Thanks for reading, Idaho Beauty!
